andforemost i wanna thank
shern,chu,claire,grace,dor,ed and
jas for the encouraging tags (: i love u guys so much man
anw the hols have almost ended,and so concludes a veryawesome and wellspent oneweek(: i'm really pleased cos i managed to catch up on sleep and spend time with the family,which was nice. and since everyone's hot topic is currently
what did u do during the holidays, i'm gg to sum it up here so that i can cease telling my grandmother story to everyone who asks.
mon: went to kes's house for jammin. (L-R: kes,tim,elizabeth,nic,darrell) i'm the one taking the picture(: i think we'll be playing for chapel some time soon

then some of the 1990 church ppl watched
history boys. i thot it was not-bad,but apparently only me and hosea actually 'enjoyed' it; the rest didnt like it much. hmm i recommend this movie only if u're good at reading into innuendos;if not u're gonna end up clueless and waste your money.
tue: dance in the afternoon and ROMP at nite. was damn fun! (: pity we missed rich and dharsh's perf ;( but i'm still proud of u guys for comin in fourth tho!! the place was really packed;i couldnt really dance on the stage cos there were way too many ppl

the romp gang. we're
rock i tell you,cos all of us went for romp and came home late,yet ALL of us went for dance the next morning(:
wed: dance again, then lunch with my darlin dancers babes+shawn. after lunch i went to DYE MY HAIR so now it's BACK TO BLACK.....hope everyone's
satisfied :/
thu:day trip with the family to m'sia. was SO AWESOME i tell u,just chillin the whole day.

fri:went out with my grandma and nat. omg i had a dental appt too and i have to extract my lower left wisdom tooth in june.yikes,its gonna SWELL and its gonna be damn painful! :( i'm glad june is still a long way off.
hurr,it's school on monday. for once i'm not dreading it,cos i know it's gonna be a slack,slack week. at least for us... poor j2s tho. uh,
GOOD LUCK FOR TERMS,JAY-TWOS!!take care everyone [else],and
cheers ppl