this week,i learnt alot. about myself;about my expectations for myself and my shortcomings.
-wed was emo day,lesley will know what i mean. i havent cried so hard for a long,long time..think i scared my dad when i started sniffling away in his car.
-thu,i managed to rectify the problem when i spoke to denise. [thanks les and rox for being there with me!] shan't elaborate here because i reckon i've alr reflected enough and i want closure.
-fri was campfire. shits,i reallyREALLY miss the first intake ppl!! :( was overjoyed that jen,kes,dewei,rich made it back(: ....but it really saddens me so much to see ppl like claire,bagus,hao,justin etc having to leave. SIGH. i'm really thankful for my place in ac cos i know that there are SO MANY ppl who want a place here but cant get one. what annoys me is that ac has such a lot of 2nd-intakers who dun even friggin want to be here,while there are so many others who are posted to cj/jj and want a place in ac so bad.such is the unfairness of life. :( damn, i wish that everyone cld just get posted to wherever they wanted to go so that we cld all be happy; but thats way too idealistic (and unfeasible).
orientation2 was (inevitably) not as fun as O1,but who cares... t'was a good respite from the mundane-ness of academics. oh,subj registration was on wed.i kept to my origina lcombi......funny isnt it,after all that deliberation. H2 lit,H2 econs,H2 DEP,H1 maths,H1 GP--no chinese(: everyone was questioning why i had decided to carry on with dep but i've decided that i don't owe anyone an explanation cos its my life and my future. plus, i dun intend to wallow in regret later on either.
yeah. today was the alpha youth thing. i wasnt extremely excited/enthu abt my sticky nose relay game but still had to do it anyway.ppl must think i'm a friggin retard or smth now.but it was sure heartening to see those new belivers give their testimonies and stuff tho. (: made it all worth it
-wed was emo day,lesley will know what i mean. i havent cried so hard for a long,long time..think i scared my dad when i started sniffling away in his car.
-thu,i managed to rectify the problem when i spoke to denise. [thanks les and rox for being there with me!] shan't elaborate here because i reckon i've alr reflected enough and i want closure.
-fri was campfire. shits,i reallyREALLY miss the first intake ppl!! :( was overjoyed that jen,kes,dewei,rich made it back(: ....but it really saddens me so much to see ppl like claire,bagus,hao,justin etc having to leave. SIGH. i'm really thankful for my place in ac cos i know that there are SO MANY ppl who want a place here but cant get one. what annoys me is that ac has such a lot of 2nd-intakers who dun even friggin want to be here,while there are so many others who are posted to cj/jj and want a place in ac so bad.such is the unfairness of life. :( damn, i wish that everyone cld just get posted to wherever they wanted to go so that we cld all be happy; but thats way too idealistic (and unfeasible).
orientation2 was (inevitably) not as fun as O1,but who cares... t'was a good respite from the mundane-ness of academics. oh,subj registration was on wed.i kept to my origina lcombi......funny isnt it,after all that deliberation. H2 lit,H2 econs,H2 DEP,H1 maths,H1 GP--no chinese(: everyone was questioning why i had decided to carry on with dep but i've decided that i don't owe anyone an explanation cos its my life and my future. plus, i dun intend to wallow in regret later on either.
yeah. today was the alpha youth thing. i wasnt extremely excited/enthu abt my sticky nose relay game but still had to do it anyway.ppl must think i'm a friggin retard or smth now.but it was sure heartening to see those new belivers give their testimonies and stuff tho. (: made it all worth it
At 11:33 PM,
Anonymous said…
hey bevvv (:
i'm glad you made your decision alr! i haven't talked to u for so longgg! ahhh. and i barely get to know how u are in school too. but u know, i hope that you'll find joy and peace and love in Him all the time. seeyou tmr!
At 2:40 AM,
Anonymous said…
moomooo. (: babe i'm so happy for you, at least now everything tough's settled and you can move on!! i lurrrrve and miss you so so so so much.
- chu
At 11:03 PM,
Anonymous said…
hey darling! (:
it's alright, i'll come back and visit all the time. and make sure you do a good job for restless cause i'm gonna be there to watch you dance babe! and thanks for leaving me with such wonderful memories. i've all the photos with me, ask me alright. take care sweetheart! (: love.
At 4:02 PM,
Anonymous said…
hey this is grace from AC dance. well formerly from AC dance, that is. i'll miss you beverly :( don't forget me okay.
*sings.. "beverly hills, thats where i wanna be"*
At 2:12 AM,
yuehhsin said…
hey bev doris here(: glad you've chosen what you wanna do. well it'll be difficult handling so many things and there will be times you feel like breaking or giving up but really things will turn out really sweet and worthwhile at the end of the day.. ive been through it x)so enjoy your jc life okay? haha you can find me online or at my blog!(:
At 9:45 PM,
Anonymous said…
hey bevy darling!! Keep smiling yeah? I'm here if you need anyone to keep your feet on the ground.
take care baby. Love you lots!
At 1:21 PM,
Anonymous said…
keep smiling babe! loves!
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