results day!
results in abt 11hrs,and i cant sleep. not cos of fear or anxiety or wtever,i just think my biological clock's screwing on me. i'm starting to feel SAPPED of all my energy during the day,and high and awake at nite. this aint cool AT ALL. all the late nights+dance practices+unhealthy food must be kicking in :( ohwell i'm not in the mood to care right now. SO HAPPY cos i'm gg back to sc tml! i seriously miss the toilets there man...never realised how clean sc toilets were till i left the sch:(

<-- the little green toilet sign! no other institution in the country has a sign that looks like that on their toilet doors ok(:
at least, thats what i think.whatever the case,it holds SPECIAL MEMORIES for me. haha
anw ytd was the annual cross country thing.i found out that i was a competitive runner on the morning itself ok. this guy conned me into signing up for it! but it was damn fun so i didnt mind haha.....3.5km!!i cant believe i ran so much and didnt die.and the sch spirit was awesome,everyone was cheering/encouraging one another(: i like that kinda thing(: when i asked around,i found out that most sec schools have this kinda cross country thingys.:/ gee man,i thot it was particular to ac but apparently everyone has it except scgs! :/
-alrite i'm gg to sleep now. my eyebags are gg to be the size of watermelons tomorrow.

<-- the little green toilet sign! no other institution in the country has a sign that looks like that on their toilet doors ok(:
at least, thats what i think.whatever the case,it holds SPECIAL MEMORIES for me. haha
anw ytd was the annual cross country thing.i found out that i was a competitive runner on the morning itself ok. this guy conned me into signing up for it! but it was damn fun so i didnt mind haha.....3.5km!!i cant believe i ran so much and didnt die.and the sch spirit was awesome,everyone was cheering/encouraging one another(: i like that kinda thing(: when i asked around,i found out that most sec schools have this kinda cross country thingys.:/ gee man,i thot it was particular to ac but apparently everyone has it except scgs! :/
-alrite i'm gg to sleep now. my eyebags are gg to be the size of watermelons tomorrow.
At 11:28 AM,
Anonymous said…
At 9:42 PM,
Anonymous said…
haha, i just knew you'll do well. you studied so very hard! :)
and you're witty
okay, what does that got to do with anything?
eyes the size of watermelons? heh :) i really miss talking to you, you know
lotsa love!
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