back in action
back! after a more-than-a-month-long hiatus :) man it feels good to be blogging agn! my endorphins are seriously in overdrive right now...its so surreal,i cant believe that it's all over mygosh. this whole month has been came so fast,and it's over so fast.four yrs of studying,cumulating to november2006. i'm just so thankful that God saw me thru this period,and took care of my health, and drew me me closer to my friends and all that. and drew me closer to him as's funny that i experienced revival just the day b4 amaths and chem. but yeah i was reading rachel's tears again,and wallowing in the unpleasant fact that compared to racheljoy,my own spiritual life was so shallow and so stagnant. i dunno how it happened, but now i'm super charged up for God and the feeling's incredible. like zara said, when u're spiritually attune,everything else falls into place. yeah, so i guess thats the best thing i got out of the o's---a renewed faith in God. (:
anyway. i went to vivo straight after history ytd,like i said i wld! its awesome! detractors were telling me tt it was ultra boring..but its not,take my word for it. or maybe u shldnt cos i'm prone to biaseness HAHAHA.but i really think everyone,shopper or not,shld visit vivo at least once,just for the experience if nth else. i remember the first time i read abt vivo was from a magazine early in the yr,and i was so impressed by the artist's impression of it that i cldnt wait for it to be built. hehe. the only bummer is that candy empire is a aint as big as i envisioned it to be. but ahwell. ok i'd like to emphasize that i do not live to shop hor. sure shopping's fun and all,but giveme coffee with a good friend over vivo city any day man. shopping isnt fulfilling,it's just fun. i want my life to be fulfilling satisfying and well-lived,and not merely fun.
which is why i thot that ytd was so awesome,cos i got to catch up with zara. (: and then we met pcg and i got to catch up with shern and chanel and the others too. but the best thing was doulos. doulos,fyi, is a ship that docks at diff ports at diff times of the yr.and they have a bookfair and a fulltime crew that lives onboard (volunteerily). and,they travel around africa and asia spreading the gospel. is that cool or what? we walked arnd and zara bot this oscar wilde book and then all of us sat at the rooftop amphi @ vivo and talked till 10plus with two of the crew members. ohman, that was the best way to spend the last day of exams. (:
reached home at 11:45. but for some unexplained reason i still had tons of energy so i ended up sleeping at 2.
later gg to lishan's hse for exco mtg. (: yay
~tribute to the meepok uncle: i'm really so sad he passed away.he's such an integral part of sc,and his meepok is almost synonymous with the school. i wasnt a big fan of meepok cos i hate noodles,but it gave me a sense of comfort to see him everyday at his little stall,smth that remained unchanged ever since i entered sc in pri1. he'd be there selling his meepok without fail. he was there even during my mum's time! i really want to go to his wake,but circumstances prevent me from doing so................ bleh nvm. my mum went two nites ago,she can represent me i suppose. there's a rumour floating around that straits times is gg to run an article abt him. but whatever it is,i'm really gg to miss him so much. sc wun be the same agn w/o him,w/o miss heng,w/o mrs phuah.
in the span of a yr,everything changed.
anyway. i went to vivo straight after history ytd,like i said i wld! its awesome! detractors were telling me tt it was ultra boring..but its not,take my word for it. or maybe u shldnt cos i'm prone to biaseness HAHAHA.but i really think everyone,shopper or not,shld visit vivo at least once,just for the experience if nth else. i remember the first time i read abt vivo was from a magazine early in the yr,and i was so impressed by the artist's impression of it that i cldnt wait for it to be built. hehe. the only bummer is that candy empire is a aint as big as i envisioned it to be. but ahwell. ok i'd like to emphasize that i do not live to shop hor. sure shopping's fun and all,but giveme coffee with a good friend over vivo city any day man. shopping isnt fulfilling,it's just fun. i want my life to be fulfilling satisfying and well-lived,and not merely fun.
which is why i thot that ytd was so awesome,cos i got to catch up with zara. (: and then we met pcg and i got to catch up with shern and chanel and the others too. but the best thing was doulos. doulos,fyi, is a ship that docks at diff ports at diff times of the yr.and they have a bookfair and a fulltime crew that lives onboard (volunteerily). and,they travel around africa and asia spreading the gospel. is that cool or what? we walked arnd and zara bot this oscar wilde book and then all of us sat at the rooftop amphi @ vivo and talked till 10plus with two of the crew members. ohman, that was the best way to spend the last day of exams. (:
reached home at 11:45. but for some unexplained reason i still had tons of energy so i ended up sleeping at 2.
later gg to lishan's hse for exco mtg. (: yay
~tribute to the meepok uncle: i'm really so sad he passed away.he's such an integral part of sc,and his meepok is almost synonymous with the school. i wasnt a big fan of meepok cos i hate noodles,but it gave me a sense of comfort to see him everyday at his little stall,smth that remained unchanged ever since i entered sc in pri1. he'd be there selling his meepok without fail. he was there even during my mum's time! i really want to go to his wake,but circumstances prevent me from doing so................ bleh nvm. my mum went two nites ago,she can represent me i suppose. there's a rumour floating around that straits times is gg to run an article abt him. but whatever it is,i'm really gg to miss him so much. sc wun be the same agn w/o him,w/o miss heng,w/o mrs phuah.
in the span of a yr,everything changed.
At 3:18 PM,
babylion said…
omg check out my blog! i've moved btw (: i wrote pretty much alot of similar things (:
At 12:23 AM,
Anonymous said…
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