on beauty
today there was this article by sumiko tan in the sunday times abt beauty..abt how it fades with age and how so many women resort to plastic surgery to maintain their looks. that article was stuck in my head the whole day man.sumiko tan is seriously one of my fave ST journalists and i've always liked reading her articles, but this one in particular was really thought-provoking,at least for me.
hmmm.i guess that when we're in the prime of our youth the thought of being old and wrinkled is probably the last thing on our minds yeah?haha (x i never really thot much abt it till today,cos it seems like some far off kinda thing..but today it occurred to me that all those ppl who bank on their looks to see them thru life shld seriously start finding other jobs,cos one cant be gorgeous forever! and by that i mean gorgeous on the outside..cos inner beauty is a whole different ball game.the sad but harsh truth is that beauty fades.like feste said,"youth's a stuff will not endure"..even the most gorgeous ppl now are gonna grow old sometime. so. we shld busy ourselves cultivating values like honesty and integrity,and developing our own individual multi-faceted intelligences,instead of constantly primping and preening in the mirror.....since these things arent gonna be affected by the ravages of time like physical beauty is. haha no wonder my mum keeps telling me to study hard and grow up to be a clever person...and she never tells me to be pretty!haha.when i kid around and tell her how i want to get a vacuous job next time which doesnt make use of the brain,she'll give me The Look.lol
"Charm is deceitful and beauty is passing, but a woman who fears the Lord, she shall be praised" [proverbs 31:30]
yeahhh. man........ i will TRY not to place so much emphasis on looks anymore la.tho i think its gonna be hard for someone as vain as me. =/ but seriously,i think i shld start cultivating things of lasting value.!! butof course this doesnt mean that i'm gonna let myself become all ugly and gross la!now that is a disturbing thot.after all,life's abt striking a balance isnt it (:
hmmm.i guess that when we're in the prime of our youth the thought of being old and wrinkled is probably the last thing on our minds yeah?haha (x i never really thot much abt it till today,cos it seems like some far off kinda thing..but today it occurred to me that all those ppl who bank on their looks to see them thru life shld seriously start finding other jobs,cos one cant be gorgeous forever! and by that i mean gorgeous on the outside..cos inner beauty is a whole different ball game.the sad but harsh truth is that beauty fades.like feste said,"youth's a stuff will not endure"..even the most gorgeous ppl now are gonna grow old sometime. so. we shld busy ourselves cultivating values like honesty and integrity,and developing our own individual multi-faceted intelligences,instead of constantly primping and preening in the mirror.....since these things arent gonna be affected by the ravages of time like physical beauty is. haha no wonder my mum keeps telling me to study hard and grow up to be a clever person...and she never tells me to be pretty!haha.when i kid around and tell her how i want to get a vacuous job next time which doesnt make use of the brain,she'll give me The Look.lol
"Charm is deceitful and beauty is passing, but a woman who fears the Lord, she shall be praised" [proverbs 31:30]
yeahhh. man........ i will TRY not to place so much emphasis on looks anymore la.tho i think its gonna be hard for someone as vain as me. =/ but seriously,i think i shld start cultivating things of lasting value.!! butof course this doesnt mean that i'm gonna let myself become all ugly and gross la!now that is a disturbing thot.after all,life's abt striking a balance isnt it (:
At 6:14 PM,
Anonymous said…
The thought of plastic surgery, liposuction, botox and all that stuff just really freaks me out! Haha, so I don't think I'll EVER dare to do anything of that kind. But yeah, it's also cos I feel we should be happy with what we've got and how God has made us, and yeps, what's really important is the inner beauty! And bev, you've got both inner AND outer beauty - lucky you! I'm serious! Haha! (:
At 10:17 PM,
Anonymous said…
hey bev! couldn't resist commenting...again =D
ever wondered why God calls lady christians as "daughters of sarah" instead of "daughters of ruth" or "daughters of rachel", or any other beautiful, intelligent, virtuous woman in the Bible?
because she was the only woman who had her youth renewed.
remember a heathen king wanted her at age 90! and isaac came along much later =D and i'm sure he wasn't cross eyed 0.-"
all things are possible, with God!
and no we don't need the, to quote myself in my long and inspiring entry, the pulling, pasting, pinching, sucking and sticking =D
lalala...don't we just love music!
At 2:42 PM,
pirate said…
you know what, mousy pardner?
what is inside will manifest on the outside of a person. goodness glows on their faces, their eyes sparkle with a light from within.
no wonder you're so sweet and beautiful =D
haha, k just complimented you to persuade you to help me with my soft testimonial copy, but then, i know you're always willing to help others =)
you rock, bev! -muacks-
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