just some random thoughts.
dramafest rocked! feel so sad that its over, but i guess its good in a way cos i really need the time to start mugging. i'm very very happy. best publicity board. best supporting actor. best supporting actress. 1st runner up. all of us---the whole class---have a reason to be proud man. (:
lit symp: not too bad. lunch was kinda screwed thanks to a certain somebody, but i thot other than tt it was ok. i really like lit, think i'll continue doing it next yr.
next yr......i wanna go to acjc. they have drama elective!!! and its so near my hse/church. of course, if i was smart enuf i'd want to go to hc, but ohwell. must be realistic i guess.
in a few hrs is world cup finals!! i aint a big soccer fan, but must say its quite exciting hehe. (: hope italy wins!! not intending to stay up for the whole match tho. just told some ppl to call me at the start of the last half hr so i can hear e results first hand(: woohoo.
lit symp: not too bad. lunch was kinda screwed thanks to a certain somebody, but i thot other than tt it was ok. i really like lit, think i'll continue doing it next yr.
next yr......i wanna go to acjc. they have drama elective!!! and its so near my hse/church. of course, if i was smart enuf i'd want to go to hc, but ohwell. must be realistic i guess.
in a few hrs is world cup finals!! i aint a big soccer fan, but must say its quite exciting hehe. (: hope italy wins!! not intending to stay up for the whole match tho. just told some ppl to call me at the start of the last half hr so i can hear e results first hand(: woohoo.
At 1:32 AM,
Anonymous said…
i'm so sure you're smart enough to go to hc, like i said, you just havent had the chance to get focussed enough and stuff. and. i think my lit sucks now. i cant believe what happened to my humans!
At 4:44 PM,
Anonymous said…
heyyyyyyyyy! just wanted to say hello and love ya!! bestieees always!
At 6:43 PM,
Anonymous said…
hey! haha dont be silly bev, of COURSE you can make it to HC, haha:) just be sure you're gonna be happy there, or not the next 2 yrs of school will be like torture! haha:)
ps. lets all mug together!! haha sounds so fun.. but must watch potc2 before we start k.. last movie you know? :)
At 12:51 AM,
Anonymous said…
annabel: hahah YES POTC2! but we've had so many "last movies" already. my last was supposed to be cars, you know? :(
At 12:16 AM,
Anonymous said…
lol (: why dont we ALL become muggers k. get nerdy tgt
At 10:35 PM,
Anonymous said…
oh oh! hi everyone!! hahaha everyone's talking here (: so fun! time to get nerdy eh? imagine if we all ended up in ac? anyway, SEE YOU ALL! keep rocking man.
At 10:36 PM,
Anonymous said…
shucks, i accidentally pressed send. it's me! shern!
At 12:32 PM,
debbielam said…
hey bev, debbie here! come to AC! hahaha it's fun. i really enjoyed myself. but then, yeah, HC really is quite good. ok go to HC then. haha
At 10:54 PM,
Anonymous said…
hee hee! i think it'd be super cool if we all go to ac :))
At 11:29 PM,
Anonymous said…
Very pretty site! Keep working. thnx!
At 3:50 AM,
Anonymous said…
Very best site. Keep working. Will return in the near future.
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