tired but happy.
*acjc dep auditions: it's OVER!!(: thank God that me and lesley got in tgt man! i was so scared cos denise told me that the intake is like 30 only!!out of what,hundreds? :/ friggin small la. i love denise,she was the one who told me i got in and i remember screaming and jumping around cos i was so happy. seriously,i had a horrible feeling abt the audition..forgot my lines and all.but the trs were supersweet.well,at least one of them was.the other didnt smile at all.anw lesley and i made new friends,richenda and edlyn from chijkc and chijst respectively. they're really nice. we had to wait extremely long for our turn so i amused myself by people watching. i've concluded that dep ppl(and those who auditioned for dep) are super drama can.and quirky! there was this girl in a newsboy cap,long skirt and long sleeved top with her hair in 2 low ponytails. and while we waited she took out a knitting ball and started knitting. eccentric,no? hazel told me ytd that in ACSian theatre there's super alot of politics,more so than any other cca.righttt.i henceforth vow not to involve myself in them,as far as i am able. for a more detailed acct of the audition go to lesley's blog: greaseit.blogspot.com
*prom: not bad i guess. nth much to say abt it cos honestly i wasnt looking forward to it much.note to juniors: whatever u do,dont wear black to prom. black is like.......ubiquitous. seriously,so many ppl wore black.it made me feel extremely small and insignificant.that's the dress i wore.it's vintage by the way:
*post prom:now this was the bit i was looking forward to. thank u dear char for everything,i had a blast!we cabbed from regent to 4seasons---5 extremelytired girls in two cabs.but mm the room was great;i love the toilets man.we talked abt alot of stuff,cant remb the exact details cos my brain was woozy.i think we slept at 3plus?with wet hair. and hehhehehehehe sorry suyin zara that i took up so much space. but at least i dont KICK ok. the next day we ordered breakfast and i decided to be healthy and ordered oatmeal.which was a mistake,cos i was trying to enjoy eating my (healthy) oatmeal while the others gobbled their waffles n strawberries. and,the oatmeal wasnt even healthy anymore cos i doused it with chocolate/sugar/whatever else i cld find. after breakfast we watched friends and then we had lunch. CHOCOLATE FONDUE= bliss bliss bliss. i had a chocolate overdose that day;don't wanna go into details. next was shopping.then i went to shern's house for her surprise party. this is her highly adorable niece shanna who got me all excited:
i said it b4 and i'll say it again.the two things that turn my head are: 1)cute babies 2)hot guys
i had to leave early at around 11pm..so sorry shern! took 171 back to 4seasons.i love travelling on my own at night,when there's hardly anyone and i can revel in my solitude and spend time with God,and er..with my mp3. we watched step up @ 1:05am @ cine. its friggin good and channing is hothothot. pity he's bisexual.he'd make an awesome catch for some lucky girl. char/suyin/drea were SMITTEN. and no one was bothered by my constant proclamations that he's a bi. anw,by the end of the movie i was tired/hungry/cold.so back at the hotel i ordered mushroom soup,it was nice. (:
the next day we were supposed to wake up at 9:30 to swim/tan but whatever,we woke up at 11:50am and had to check out by 12. so we rushed.rush rush rush
i was so,so,so tired in the afternoon. all these late nights do not agree with my biological clock.at youthphoria someone told me i looked drunk.and i er,fell asleep during pastor bernard's prayer;that was the extent of my sheer fatigue. today in church i was super shagged too.and apparently i still look drunk.haha mayb ppl associate tiredness with drunkeness cos tired/drunk ppl both have bloodshot eyes,i suppose.
At 5:22 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hey bev! I'm really glad both us got in to DEP too! Really, thank God. Oh, and even if there's lotsa politics in ACSian Theatre, both of us will do our utmost to not get involved, yes? Haha. I'm so happy that I'm gonna have a real good friend over in AC! No matter that black ruled at prom - you looked great all the same. Thanks for everything, all the support and stuff! Have a wonderful holiday! Haha, cya around! (:
At 1:35 AM,
Anonymous said…
i wasn't smitten! i like channing tatum and all but if i'm not wrong, i was the only person saying that he's a bad catch because he's a smoker, alcoholic, scientologist and bisexual while you all were saying you didn't care, bisexual or no you lurved him.
At 4:54 PM,
Anonymous said…
At 8:22 AM,
Anonymous said…
seriously, bev, your blog needs regular updating
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