i feel...tired of things. its as if nth gives me joy anymore,not even the things i hold dear to my heart. i've learnt over the months that everything can be taken away from one in a blink of an eye. friends disappoint,once-exciting events become mundane. i need smth solid to cling to,and i know what ppl will tell me--God,right? but i cant even feel His presence anymore,and whenever i go to church i feel so... lethargic. inertia just washes over me,no matter how hard i try to push it away. that's what happened today,and shern was the only one who noticed. we talked for some time,and i appreciate her loads.some friendships are forever. others are ephemeral,though,and it kinda saddens me cos i for one value my friendships greatly,but....being human beings,we tend to let others down (albeit sometimes unconsciously). some ppl have inflicted hurt without being conscious of it;i only hope that i never become like that.
i really need to find something that i can be passionate about,that i can invest in,and which won't let me down. i thot that solid friendships,theatre,dance etc...could fill that void within me but i was wrong. to experience temporal joy is really nothing,cos it's fleeting.i know what i need, just please dun tell it to me.i know,it's so patently obvious,but......i dunno. after taking the MBIT personailty test i learnt that i'm a FEELER by nature, but right now i feel nothing.
i really need to find something that i can be passionate about,that i can invest in,and which won't let me down. i thot that solid friendships,theatre,dance etc...could fill that void within me but i was wrong. to experience temporal joy is really nothing,cos it's fleeting.i know what i need, just please dun tell it to me.i know,it's so patently obvious,but......i dunno. after taking the MBIT personailty test i learnt that i'm a FEELER by nature, but right now i feel nothing.
At 5:51 PM,
Anonymous said…
have you peace, remembrances, beauty?
comfort, the lust for comfort, that stealthy thing that enters your soul first as a guest, then a host, then a master, murdering the passion of the soul, even as slaves humble themselves before a tyrant to praise him...though he slays them
the earth delights in your bare feet, and winds long to play with your hair, you shall be free when your days are not without a care and your nights without a want and grief, when these things girdle your life and you rise above them naked and unbound
life is darkness, and in your weariness you echo what was said by the weary.
life indeed is darkness
save when there is urge
and all urge is blind
save when there is knowledge
and all knowledge is vain
save when there is work
and work is empty and does not satisfy, save when there is love
charge everything you do to bear the breath of your spirit. joy is sorrow unmasked, from the selfsame well from which your laughter rises often fill with your tears. the deeper that sorrow carves into your being, the more joy you can contain.
when you are joyous, look deep into your heart and you shall find it is only that which has given you sorrow will give you joy, and the truth for which you weep is also your delight. together they come, but one is asleep while the other awakes.
like scales, you are balanced when you are empty, and when you are lifted to weigh the pleasures of life must your joy and sorrow rise or fall.
At 5:58 PM,
Anonymous said…
yo, bev!
don't take too much spices at once, drink some water, cool down, and let it tease and tangle and taste on your tongue again!
sarah :)
P.S. Might be bringing MRS LOGAN to your WEST SIDE STORY :)
At 1:39 AM,
Anonymous said…
hey bev! i really hope to meet up with you soon (: i can't say that i understand exactly what you are going through but i want to be there for you when you need someone to talk to. we'll try to make time? don't lose your sunshiney personality in the midst of all the pressure alright? takecare dear! <3
At 12:37 AM,
Anonymous said…
hey beverly :) cheer up. you know what, its okay to feel this way. everyone has their sad days once in awhile. you can and will pull through, i just know it. and when i come back to see you guys dance Restless, i will see the smiling beverly on stage ok? :) sometimes you've just gotta stop trying to fill whatever void, cause the more you fill, the deeper its gonna get. just live life a day at a time. take things easy. maybe then life will treat you the way you wanna be treated. stay cheerful :)
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