to a friendhey(: u're making me worry. i know i've told u this many times alr but thought i'd just reiterate it here...( yeahyeah i know i'm naggy but u're my friend,for crying out loud)
please please EAT. EAT!your body's a temple..there's no use starving yourself just to fit some stupid ideal of beauty. society's idea of beautiful is warped i tell u. i mean,how can a skeletal stick with twigs for legs be beautiful?look at nicole ritchie she looks gross now and she doesnt even have boobs anymore. i guess deep down everyone wants to be thin cos (apparently)
thin is in, but there's a fine line btw being thin and being too thin..and the latter is definitely not smth ppl shld aspire to be. sorry for being blunt,but i really think it's SICK to be so waif-like :/
this is cliched but everyone's beautiful man. and beauty is in the eye of the beholder (: besides, dont u rem that body talk by dove we had? haha.and guys like girls with a bit of flesh cos er,there's more to hug i think.
so there's no need to shrink and become all emaciated,k? you're gorgeous just as u are.
cheers <3