pcg last friday at changi airport! i wore a hat so that ppl wouldnt ask abt the eyebrows. heh. went to embroider my brows on thu so they became horrendously dark/defined. but the stuff is peeling off now so YAY. will be normal in a couple of days, and then they will be awesome(:

after ac choir concert. it was very very good


cip @ sembawang national library. we did
town mouse and country mouse for the kids, who were fabulously adorable. they laughed when i pretended to snore [during the play].. how cute is that?
dance ppp! i decided to go as grace kelly in the end because i wanted to wear my pink dress

it was a total blast, esp when we danced the nite away..excellent cardio workout. goshhh, i'm gg to miss the dance seniors like crap tho:( once school reopens we'll be on our own :/
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