holidays are meant for spending with LOVED ONES.

"Friendship is unnecessary, like philosophy, like art... It has no survival value; rather is one of those things that give value to survival." - C. S. Lewis
wed night: some of us went to hollandv for dinner after arabian nites dance, and it was really fun i must say:D
hilarious la, me ye and jas all want to marry dherajjjj :D mega polygamy yo. and once again we lapsed into planning for jas's 18th birthday party--which will be DAMN FUN,i might add--since ye is the event manager and well, i am in the planning comm. HAHAHA. :D i want to be the bouncer, so there. (you are not to laugh)
anywayss. i was quite tickled by all the ppl dressed up for halloween,like this headless ghoulish wannabe we saw outside subway. :D i havent celebrated halloween since what, pri 6?
you know what, i fully intend to go trick-or-treating with my kids in the future. i will dress up my kids as fairies with flouncy dresses and wings and alot of glitter. then i will fulfil my childhood fantasy and be the fairy queen HAHAHA! husband can be the tree or smth
thu: met up with my sc babes. it felt good meeting up with them, and just chillin/talking/catching up. like old times(: i love my ac friends to bits, but there is smth irreplaceable and distinctively special abt secondary school friends,would you not agree?lishan, zara, drea and suyin(: i had a great time with u guys at nyny and starbucks!! i took them to menotti in a vain attempt to show them my sexy french waiter RAOUL, but to no avail..ahwell.(i think he works the night shift?) anw i felt quite paiseh to peep in explicitly,so i pretended to look at the menu whilst peeping in. quite pro eh!! God gave girls peripheral vision for a reason.
then i went to cas's house at nite to get ready for grindhouse @ butter factory. we were so scared the turnout wld be sucky but in the end it was alright cos the company was excellent! gabby kai and ning joined us afterwards and i had fun dancing with everyone. was momo's first time clubbing but she's a natural, and gabby too! haha. the decor at butter fac. is quite cool..there's a picture of the lounge area on top. uh. we left at 3am i think, then went to cas's house to sleepover. i slept at 5am..with WET HAIR to boot. a miracle i didnt crash the next day :D but i ove spending time with my chicks.. I LOVE U CAS AND HEATHERMOMOMO!
fri: we woke up at what, 11am? and i had lunch with my family at vivo's food republic, cuz my dad had some voucher thingys. the thunder tea rice is quite nice. i ate it cos it's apparently v nutritional and whatnot, but negated all that with my subsequent bar of kitkat. oooh there's this new flavour of kitkat--COOKIE DOUGH-- and it is simply gorgeous. i aint no kitkat fan but this one was yummy. from candy empire, $3 i think.
and then today i met chris for breakfast. hope it helped dude(: i'll always be here for u. (and those are NOT empty words; i mean it!)
i know this sounds sappy and all, but sometimes all u need are good friends to share your joy, and your burdens, and basically your life. so yepp, i thank God for all my friends.... LOVE.
At 12:58 PM,
Anonymous said…
GO OUT SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOON I NEED TO SHOP SHOP SHOP!!! and we need to erm do our holiday homework!
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